Join Nikki Caballero in a sound ceremony to welcome Spring.
Join us for a celebration spring, new beginnings, the awakening of earth and extended light. Shake off winter with gentle cosmic sound vibrations that will allow you to tune in to the season of rebirth and renewal.
A sound bath is a therapeutic meditation focusing on vibrational sound with a directed intention to calm the mind and relax the physical body. Quartz crystal bowls stimulate alpha and theta brainwaves associated with a clear and peaceful state of mind while bringing all bodily systems back into balance.
A yoga mat, blanket and bolster will be provided. Feel free to bring anything else you would like to make yourself comfortable lying down for a prolonged period, such as an extra blanket or pillow. You may also bring a journal to make note of any insights, visions or symbolic imagery that comes through during your journey.
Sliding scale $33-44