Radiant Rest by Tracee Stanley

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Radiant Rest by Tracee Stanley


In RADIANT REST, Tracee Stanley shares the ancient practice of yoga nidra, a deep relaxation technique that allows you to rest in spacious awareness while you connect to your innate power and wisdom. Yoga nidra is a practice devoted to allowing your body and mind to rest while your consciousness remains awake and aware, creating the opportunity for you to tap into a deeper understanding of yourself and your true nature. At its heart, yoga nidra is about waking up to the fullness of your life. In Radiant Rest, Tracee Stanley draws on over twenty years of experience as a yoga nidra teacher and practitioner to introduce the history of yoga nidra, mind and body relaxation, and the surprising power of rest in our daily lives. This is a very sweet book with many practices to bring your body and soul nourishment and ease.

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